2009年3月31日 星期二

2009-4-01 今日特餐

今日特餐Today’s Special

磨菇培根醬鲂魚排 Gurnet Filet with Bacon and Mushroom Source NT$195

和風壽喜燒 Thin Pork Filet Japanese Style NT$195

養生素肉麵 Vegetarian Noodle Soup NT$170

素貢丸咖哩飯 Vegetarian Meatball Curry Rice NT$190

以上特餐均有附湯、甜點、飲料(冷/熱紅茶、冷/熱綠茶; 或點選其它飲料可扣抵50元)
All meals above come with free soup, desert, and drinks (ice/hot Black Tea or ice/hot Green Tea; or it may deduct NT$50 for ordering other drinks)

